Let’s talk about how to make the perfect button on your Showit website. In Showit, all buttons and links are connected through what we call “Click Actions”. You can apply a click action to nearly anything on your website, but due to the ability to have so much freedom, text buttons can tend to end up looking a bit un-polished if not done well.
Here is my secret recipe of how to make the perfect button on your Showit website, so that it is perfectly even with the shape (button) behind it, and allows for a clean click and hovering experience!
1. Add your rectangle and style it how you want it.
2. Add your text box and apply any styling adjustments (choose a contrasting color to the button, and make sure the text is center aligned).
3. With both the button and text box selected, open the “Size & Positioning” tab on the right panel. First, match the size of both objects together, then align them to one another, then make sure they’re positioned in the center of the canvas.
4. Then click on the text box, and under the “Text Style” tab on the right panel, increase the Line Height until the text is in the center of the box. **This is where the magic happens!
5. Finally, apply your “Click Action” from the right panel.
This method is the secret sauce to making a perfect button on your Showit website, in a way that will make sure your buttons feel polished and intuitive to your website visitors!
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