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Why you should poll your audience before making a website

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There are many reasons why you should poll your audience before making a website. So let’s discuss why you should be asking your ideal clientele questions, and how it can be used to lead to more guest bookings.

  1. Having a clear understanding of your dream guests will lead to better design decisions
  2. You’ll get to hear your audience’s pain points first hand – how THEY describe them. Then you can speak to those pain points through your website’s words.
  3. If you don’t already have visual branding in place, your audience’s responses can help give you key words that help you make design choices like colors, fonts, and imagery that speak to your brand experience as others describe it.
  4. The answers you get can help you improve your guest experience, both online AND offline

Polling your audience for your website doesn’t have to be difficult. It can be as easy as asking questions on Instagram stories or asking guests while they’re in your chair. Below are some question prompts you can use to get started.

  • What is your biggest pain point when it comes to your hair?
  • What qualities do you look for in your ideal stylist or salon?
  • Which aesthetic/vibe appeals to you the most? (post ‘this or that’ photos)
  • My hair experience would be a success if ____
  • What are your biggest hesitations when considering investing in hair color or luxury extensions?
  • What has held you back from investing in your hair?
  • Anything you’d like to add?

Polling your audience is the first thing you should do before you make a website. After you’ve gained a better understanding of your ideal guests through your questions, it will be time to nail down your visual branding. Click here to grab the full website homework checklist for stylists and salons, so you know exactly what to do before making a website so that you’ve set yourself up for success.

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