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3 Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Converting

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Lemme guess: your website isn’t converting and bringing you clients like you hoped it would? Here are the most common culprits I see for lack of conversion, and how you can fix them!

  1. The photos on your website are unprofessional, not on brand, or non-existent. People buy from people they trust, so give your website the human touch they need by elevating the photography. Hire a photographer who specializes in brand photography to really capture your story and give your website like, know, trust factor it needs to get clients reaching out. Based in Iowa, I have had amazing experiences with both Ivy Towler Photography and Jade Boyd.
  2. It’s not easy enough to figure out. Want to 5x the chances of someone reaching out to you? Put a call scheduler or link to your contact form on the top right of your website’s header! (And make sure it’s at the top of your Instagram link in bio page!) The easier and clearer access to getting in touch with you, the better. The top right area of your website is prime real estate and may just be your ticket to more clients! Overall, try not to get too caught up in making your website unique or fancy – that is not always the ticket to having a high converting website. Instead, make sure your website is intuitive and easy to use.
  3. You’re speaking to everyone (aka no one 😳). It’s that idea of “when everything is important, nothing is important.” The more you niche down, pinpoint your ideal clientele, and focus on speaking directly to that person, the more likely you are to win over the clients who are the very best fit for you.

I encourage you to pick just one of these three tips to implement this week. Which one will it be?!


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